Since 2013, Sydney's leading University trusts our Email Design Agency to create, maintain and update their Mailchimp Templates across multiple departments.
Designs created and delivered for six different departments
Different content block types, tailored to each department needs
UNSW's motto is "Never Stand Still", and they truly walk the talk when it comes to design and branding. UNSW's branding assets are always changing and evolving.
Our designs helped their marketing team to seamlessly integrate the email look and feel with each new iteration of the brand.
As part of their emphasis on creativity and design as drivers of culture, UNSW's departments also work on their individual, specific brand guidelines.
In addition of working for the parent brand, we designed multiple emails for the Engineering, Law, and China International Business and Economic Law departments.
© DDC 2024. All rights reserved. Red Forest USA LLC. Built by TakeFortyTwo.